A New Normal

“You never get over it.” In the early days of raw grief, those words can feel like your own death sentence. But are they true?

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Leah Royden
What's Your Water?

To a fish, a childhood lived in water is ‘normal’. As children we learned to adapt to the interpersonal world we were born into, which became our ‘water’ - the stuff we don’t even see, but which may not be helpful or even true.

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Leah Royden
Anger: The Explosive Truth

At first glance, anger is simple. Something bad happened and you got mad, right? Easy. Except if you really think about it, there’s a lot of other things you could feel in addition to the anger (or perhaps did feel, before the anger took over).

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Leah Royden
Staring at the Sun

Always, we run out of time. We think we’ll figure it out one day, learn to do the thing we want, reconnect with that person we fell out with. On one level, we cognitively know this isn’t true, but we don’t ever really believe it.

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Leah Royden
Love is Like a Labrador

Why do some of us seem to dive into romantic destruction over and over ? Because we instinctively seek the love we know, no matter how much the intellectual part of us may want something different.

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Leah Royden
Choosing a Therapist

It’s tough enough choosing someone to talk to about your deepest darkest on the basis of a grainy photo and a couple of paragraphs. What do all these psycho-labels mean? Which one is better? What the heck do all those letters stand for?

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Leah Royden